Josh Quinn

Josh Quinn is currently a college student, at Texas State University, growing and developing design, photography, and public relations skills to prepare for an amazing future in a media enriched world. Born Joshua Neal Quinn, in January of 1991, Josh is a Texas native from San Antonio. Josh's upbringing was heavily influenced and shaped by his family, culture, religion, and surrounding community.

A love for journalism was sparked in Josh at a very young age, when he toured The San Antonio Express News in elementary school. Expanding on that newly discovered love, Josh joined his school's newspaper staff in middle school years. The information and experience that Josh gained from these two years helped him to see the endless possibilities that could lay ahead. Josh was also honored for his media achievements during these years by becoming a finalist in a national competition for Rolling Stone Magazine, interviewing Professional Athletes and Celebrities, such as former NBA star David Robinson of The San Antonio Spurs and Pop Rock singer Avril Lavigne, and was recognized as a future achiever by the San Antonio City Council.

When entering high school, Josh was accepted as a Teen Team contributer for The San Antonio Express News and was published both in print and digitally. Through working closely with several members of the Express News staff, Josh began to realize the importance of learning many skills other than writing and simple layout. Because of this, Josh refocused his future plans to learn about design and graphic arts.

As a college senior, Josh is majoring in Public Relations with a minor in Photography. Josh hopes to use these areas of study in the future to do research in mass media over the way our current American society uses and is shaped by visual messages. Josh also brings a social justice lens to this research by being an active student leader on campus. Josh is a member of the organization Interruptions, a Multi-Racial Anti-Racism Peer Educator Group, and is a student facilitator for Allies of Texas State, an organization focusing on educating the Texas State and San Marcos community about the LGBQTIA community and how to provide a safe space as an Ally.

Josh expresses his passions, feelings, and emotions through various art forms including sculpture, photography, graphic design, writing, and by combining these mediums into new intergrated art. Check out the Photography portion of the site to view some of Josh's photographs.

Josh will be applying to grad school to work toward a Masters of Education in Student Affairs in Higher Education in the near future.

Join me on social media:

@thejoshquinn @thejoshquinn @thejoshquinn